Donate to Therapeutic Works Inc today!

Please consider donating to Therapeutic Works Inc to help our clients through challenging times, assist us in enhancing community safety, and directly impacting justice reform.

Donate by Card or Paypal

To donate by check:

Payable to: Therapeutic Works Incorporated

Mail to: 187 St. Paul St. Suite 101

Burlington, VT 05401

Therapeutic Works Incorporated is a 501(c)(3) public charity.

Donations made may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our Tax ID number is 88-2423744.

  • With a $10 donation, we can provide food and drinks in our office for clients in need.

  • With $35 donation, we can provide a client with a cell phone and minutes for a mont to call providers, schedule appointments, and access support.

  • With $1500 donation, we can pay our rent and utilities for a month, leaving us with more time and resources for clients.

Other ways to support the cause

There are many ways to support the cause and help us help others:

  • We always welcome donations of food, toiletries, gift cards, old phones in working conditions, and gently used items such as clothing, winter gear, and bags.

  • We appreciate gently used kitchen items or small appliances for our clients moving into their own apartment for the first time after experiencing homelessness or incarceration.

  • We also invite you to consider becoming an intern or volunteer, and make an impact in your community today!

Have any questions?